
Run with your best friend

Even when they are a dog

Did you know that Canicross is the fast growing part of trail running with your dog attached to you? Many members of this group have probably been doing variations of this with their loyal four-legged companions without even realising there is a name for it, or that it is actually a sport with its own competitions throughout the UK and abroad. 
The Nidderdale Fell & Trail standard training and social runs are unable to welcome dogs, as not everyone is comfortable around dogs and many of the runs may not be suitable. However, we are keen to support the canicross community and we offer some specific canicross-friendly runs too. Members without dogs are very welcome and encouraged to join in, as long as they are comfortable running in proximity to dogs.

Photo courtesy of MHill Photography

Canicross in a nutshell

To explain canicross simply – the owner wears a running belt, the dog wears a harness, and the two are attached via a bungee lead. At a minimum, those who wanted to join in on a social canicross friendly run with their dog would need to have a Y-fronted dog harness that does not restrict the dog’s shoulder movement. Running dogs on collars, headcollars, or restrictive chest band harnesses would not be permitted as the welfare of the dogs is paramount. Ideally you would also have a way of attaching the dog to yourself hands-free. Some other basic ground rules for joining in:

  • Dogs must remain attached at all times during the social runs,
  • Dogs must be at least 12 months old
  • Dogs must be fit enough to complete the planned distance comfortably and
  • Always pick up after your dog.

It is up to the owner to determine the appropriateness of bringing their dog on a run, taking into account the distance, the terrain and the weather conditions. Like us, dogs need to build up strength and fitness gradually!

Photo courtesy of MHill Photography

Sounds fantastic!

Are you keen on joining in on some runs with your dog(s)? Let us know and we will encourage and support you to attend training sessions and compete in races. You never know, you may win and you may even get selected to compete for your country!!

Drop us a note on the Contact page

Want to know more?

Anyone who isn’t already canicrossing and wants an introduction session and harness fitting with a qualified instructor before bringing their dog on any social runs I can highly recommend North Yorkshire Canicross

For starter kits and some good articles on how to get canicrossing, try K9 Trail Time